Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Life is Sweet by Grammy K!

Grammy K's is excited to announce our new line of products called "Life is Sweet". Click on the image below to be taken to our online store or click here.
Stay Tuned! In the next few weeks, we will be opening our new bakery on Canal Street in New Smyrna Beach!

Red Velvet Cheesecake!

Grammy K's is now taking orders for Red Velvet Cheescakes. They are $25, with from each sale $5 benefiting The Suzanne Holy Memorial Food Bank. Call to place your order today 386.308.0720.
The Suzanne Holy Memorial Food Bank is on South Nova just past Big Tree in South Daytona. Free pet food is available for families in danger of losing their pets. The goal is to keep the pets in loving homes until their family gets back on their feet. The food bank is named in memory of local animal activist Suzanne Holy. For more information, contact Kathy Blackman: 386-690-6771.